Welcome to MSM online!

Thanks for stopping by our website. On these pages you’ll find info about Mosaic Student Ministries including our regular happenings, times, directions, messages and current events.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Coaching Groups
at various times and locations during the week
The mentoring arm of MSM, coaching groups are designed to provide a Christ-centered, small group and peer environment to promote and encourage personal accountability via deepening relationships of transparency and trust.

To plug into a Coaching group, contact Rob McBryde at 562.3336 or rob@mosaicchurch.net.

NEW SUNDAY SCHEDULE - Starting January 27th

Hey Folks,
We're making some adjustments to improve the quality of our time together on Sunday mornings!

FIRST OF ALL: Check with your Coaches to find out when and where your Coaching Groups will meet. We will no longer have them on Sunday mornings between services so that you all can have enough time and come together in an environment where you can really talk and share your lives with each other.

SECONDLY: Here's the new schedule for Sunday mornings beginning Jan. 27th.

MSM Worship in the Dock
10:45am - 11:10am

Training Groups
11:15am - 12:00pm

If you have any questions, call Amos or Rob at 562-3336.


Rob <><