Welcome to MSM online!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
He reported that four students at the Lutheran school he spoke at last Thurs received Christ with over 60 coming forward to the alter to pray!
I stand in awe of our Lord. What a remarkable week for the gospel.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Look At MSM
Look at the new web spot we have now. God has blessed us to have a guy like Rob McBryde on our Team. We owe him a big THANKS for the new blog. Anyway, I hope you all like it have fun and place your post soon. I would love to hear your comments.- P. A. (Pastor Amos)
On the Dock
10:45 a.m. – 11:10 a.m.
In this large group time of music and message, students will be challenged to grow closer to one another and deeper in their love and commitment to Christ.
Training Groups
11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
The educational arm of MSM, students will gather in mid-sized, grade-appropriate classes to study God’s word in a systematic way.
Amos Gray
Amos formed a multi-ethnic youth ministry called W.A.Y. Ministries and directed it from 1996-2004. He became a Youth Pastor for Community Grace Church (1999) and then Beautiful Savior Church (2003), both in Omaha. Meanwhile, Mosaic continued to piece together Children and Youth ministries with part-time staff and interns. All the while Mark staying in contact with Amos and Carol to keep the process of a future move hopeful. As the church grew, it became apparent that the time had come for a full-time director. After four years God's timing was perfect. "When we really knew God was going to have us leave Nebraska four years ago, I couldn't stand the thought of it," says Carol. "But when we started talking about it this time, we were excited and sure that God opened the door for us to come here."
Amos states "after working in a lot of dead end jobs and then having my feet set on the path of working with children and youth. Weather at Father Flangans Boys Town, Community of Grace or Beautiful Savior Lutheran church and even starting his own non-profit all of these have prepared me for this ministry here at Mosaic."
Of course, the Gray's are excited about the future. Amos finishes this with "I look forward to working with all the parents, staff and volunteers and raising up the next generation of leaders for His kingdom.
You can e-mail Amos at amos@mosaicchurch.net.
Alison Clinton
In February of 1998, Alison joined the staff of Fellowship Student Ministries at Fellowship Bible Church. While on staff at FSM, she worked as the Assistant Director of Programs and Special Events planning and doing the administration for all the mid-week programs and camps that the students attended.
Alison joined the staff of the Mosaic Church of Central Arkansas in the Fall of 2001. She filled multiple roles while she was on staff there as the church was just starting out.
She and her husband, Sloan were married in June 2001. They now have two beautiful daughters, Delaney (4) and Isabelle (2). Sloan and Alison were some of the founding members of Mosaic and have felt so blessed to be a part since the beginning. Both, Alison and Sloan are very excited about what God is doing at Mosaic and are especially excited about raising their girls in such a church.
Currently, Alison is a stay-at-home mom and is working part-time in MSM as the Director of Special Events and Administration.
If you’d like to contact Alison, you can email her at alison@mosaicchurch.net.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Amos Gray
Pastor, Directional Leader
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Alison Clinton
Events and Administration
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To enlist, equip, encourage and empower junior and senior high school students to become the moral and spiritual leaders of the 21st century.
We are students and adults committed to authentic interaction and transparent lives.
We are students and adults committed to both encouraging and exhorting one another in love.
We are students and adults committed to combining fun with meaning.
We are students and adults committed to Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life.
December 2, 2007
Sophomores & Juniors will inaugurate and host this 1st annual Christmas Banquet for the more mature members of Mosaic.
December 8, 2007
Mosaic seniors will gather for fine dining and reflection in the Christmas season.
December 12, 2007
9th graders join us for fun and festivities at Christmas!
Date: January 11-13, 2008
Cost: $110
Location: New Life Ranch,
May 17, 2008
Celebrating our graduates!
Celebrate the end of school and kick-off the summer at the beach!
June 5-10, 2008
Cost: $245