Welcome to MSM online!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Monday, October 10, 2005
9:29am @ The Dock!
What's Up Guyz n' Galz?
I'm pumped at how many of you are coming regularly on Sunday mornings, and now that Wednesday nights are beginning to take off, we're building numbers there too!
I want to thank those of you who make it on time every Sunday. You enable us to get to do everything that we've planned for the MSM hour @ The Dock.
From now on, We're Starting Promptly (that means "On Time" :)) at 9:29am. That means, please Be there, Be ready, and Bring Your BIBLES. Cool? Cool!
In addition, I want to encourage those of you who may have sleepy eyes on Sunday mornings, to get to bed just a little bit earlier Sat. night if that will help you be @ The Dock by 9:29a.m. :)
I Love You Guys, and Want You to Experience All That MSM Has To Offer. - Joey
Monday, October 03, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
Monday, September 12, 2005
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Here's a chance for you to serve the church by helping with the cleanup after the Asian Festival on July 30th. All hands on deck from 5:30pm to approximately 7:30pm on Saturday, July 30 for some heavy duty sweeping and mopping.
You will be accompanied by the Honduras Mission team members so the more the merrier! Let Rob McBryde know by e-mailing rob@mosaicchurch.net. He'll be so thankful!!!